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Traffic Fine Codes

S#Nature of ViolationsPenalty in Rs.
1Exceeding prescribed speed limit500100010001500
2Carrying Passengers in a Public service vehicle exceeding permissible limit100015002000
3Violation of Traffic signals (electronic or manual)500100010001500
4Overloading by public transport vehicles (Goods carries)2500 for 1% to 5%
5000 for 5.1% to 10%
7500 for 10.1 % to 15% and above and the vehicle shall be impounded for fifteen days.
5000 for 1% to 5% of overloading.
10000 for 5.1% to 10% of overloading
15000 for 10.1 % to 15% and above of 15% vehicle shall be impounded for fifteen days.
5Overtaking where prohibited3005007001000
6Failure to yield the right of way to another vehicles3005007001000
7Obstructing movement of emergency vehicles.3005007001000
8Leading the excess of the restriction of dimension of goods10001500
9Driving at night without proper lights500100010001500
10Driving on the wrong side of the road1000200020004000
11Disobey traffic signals.
A. Amber Flashing
b. Red Thinking
c. Red Light
12Improper crossing of railway track3005005001000
13Following too closely or cutting too sharply3005005001000
14Driving with tinted or covered glasses obstructing visibility from within the vehicle.150015002000
15Jumping Traffic queue2005005001000
16Failing to dip headlights for other traffic2005005001000
17Driving wrong way in one way street.1000200020004000
18Using turn indicator for any purpose other than those prescribed200500500700
19Playing where prohibited3005005001000
20Improper loading of goods/ improper loaded goods10001500
21Failing to observe lighting hours3005005001000
22Obstructing traffic.3005007001000
23Failure to observe slow sign3005005001000
24Riding motorcycle without safety helmet.1000
25Failure to stop for a school bus200300500500
26Turning where prohibited500100010001500
27Failure to protect learner drivers200400400600
28Failure to yield right of way to pedestrians2005007001000
29Reckless and negligent driving1000150020003000
30Driving without driving license1000200030005000
31Driving an unregistered vehicle1000300050005000
32Driving a motor vehicle without insurance coverage2005005001000
33Driving a transport vehicle without or with a defective speedometer2005005001000
34Opening door dangerously5007001000
35Improper turning (Turn from wrong lane)3005007001000
36Improper lane usage3005007001000
37Blowing horn in silence zone200300500500
38Improper U-Turn2005007001000
39Refusal to produce license500100010001500
40Failing to stop when required by the traffic police50070010001500
41Driving without fitness certificate10002500
42Driving a vehicle exceeding prescribed weight limit250015000
43Using vehicle in unsafe condition3005007001000
44Using pressure/musical horns30050010001500
45Driving vehicle in violation of law/rules not otherwise provided500100010001500
46Smoke emitting vehicle500100010002000
47Juvenile driving10002000500010000
48Using mobile phone while driving1000200030005000
49One wheeling by motorcyclist5000
50Repeating the same violations1200120012001200
51Abetment of the above violations3005007001000
52Driving motor vehicle without route permit if any50005000
53Repeating the violation at serial No. 52 above1000010000
54Repeating the violation at serial No. 4 above1000030000
55Driving without fastening seat belt100010001000
56Taking part in an unauthorized race2000300050005000
57Use of illegal number plate or without number plate500100010001500
58Charging extra fare500100020003000
59Driving any vehicle at night on high beam or using dazzling light/powerful lamps500100015002000
60Driving when mentally or physically unfit to drive or under influence of drug or alcohol1000300050005000
61Improper loading of goods (material/liquid spreading on the road/air30005000
62Carrying Passengers/ Students outside cabin of the vehicle30005000
63Driving vehicle with out fastening seat belt by the driver and front seat passenger5007001000
64Driving vehicle having a person below twelve (12) years of age on front passenger seat.5005001000
65Driving of transport vehicle with expired Route Permit (impounding of vehicle till the production of renewed route permit.)20005000
66Driving of transport vehicle with expired Fitness Certificate (impounding of vehicle till the production of renewed fitness certificate)10002500
67Leaving vehicle in dangerous position5005001000
68Driving vehicle on disqualified license100010001000
69Illegal alteration /modification in vehicle500100020002500
70Failure to stop vehicle after accident500100015002000
71Taking /playing vehicle without authority i.e. registration book, transfer deed, transfer letter, government certificates and route permit wherever applicable500100015002000
72Disobedience of order, obstruction and refusal of information1000100010001000
73Noise pollution (by illegal modification/ alteration)2000300030003000
101More than 0.5 meter from the kerb200300300500
102Parking on a foot path500100010001500
103Less than 0.5 meter from another car200200300500
104Parking on a Zebra Crossing3005007001000
105Less than 0.3 meters from fire hydrant200300300500
106Less than 10 meters from a stop sign200300300500
107Less than 10 meters from intersection200300300500
108Parking in a No Parking Zone1000200020003000
109Parking in front of an entrance to premises500100010002000
110Parking on Bus Stop200300500700
111Parking on a bridge200300500700
112Parking on a side walk200300500700