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haroon Rasheed Peshawar Traffic Police

Mr. Haroon Rashid Khan

Chief Traffic Officer, Peshawar

I am glad to present the official website of Peshawar Traffic Police. This website is aimed to disseminate information, impart traffic education, answer queries regarding various issues and for getting feedback from the public and stakeholders problemsin order to create a more progressive and responsive Traffic management system in Peshawar.

In addition to the routine responsibilities of regulating the flow of traffic, Peshawar Traffic Police have significantly contributed in the field of Road Safety Education. This has not only been acknowledged and appreciated by all sections of the society but has also molded the public perception about Police. Furthermore, Peshawar Traffic Police have changed issuance of manual driving license into digital with one window operation. Besides the digital driving license, installation of IP based CCTV cameras in busy points of the metropolis has also been started and the control room established in Traffic Headquarter Peshawar to monitor the traffic situation round the clock.

I would like to appreciate the performance of Peshawar Traffic Police and technical team for making hectic efforts and ensuring smooth flow of traffic besides poor infrastructure in the capital city. We remain committed to making Peshawar Traffic Police as a role model for other public service organizations. I and my team assure our utmost commitment, dedication and hard work to meet the challenges and public expectations.

Mr. Haroon Rashid Khan
Chief Traffic Officer